Publishing a Post consists of associating a date and a game to some training micro-content, in order to share it on the Atrivity platform. This way it can be used as learning material or simply as a corporate disclosure.

On  menu Contents > Posts > Add a Post  , you can define the communication to be published. The basic data to be filled in are:

  • Cover image *Highly recommended
  • Location at Feed and/or Collections *Mandatory at least one
  • Status
  • Date or ordinary day from the start for a  OnBoarding game.
  • Content for every language:
    • Subject - description.
    • Content, one of these:
      • Body: Rich text even images, symbols and tables.
      • URL of any web: Location web of  learning material , it could be a classical HTML Web, a PDF file , a video or  slides content allocated always on-line.

Depending on whether we are going to publish our own content or through a URL, the appropriate text box is filled in.

Using a URL has a big advantage respect  content : if the URL's website is updated , then the Atrivity post is updated.

Once the Post is finished, you can associate Automatic Challenges . It is also possible to give a specific visibility in the sections corresponding to users/groups:

See more info on : Edit and share a post


a) If there isn't a Collection that group the Posts

To display a group of posts published with different dates or assigned in block to a game, it must be taken into account that the default display order would be the date of creation, unless the Subject (Title) is modified.

That is to say we can display several posts in the desired order if we use an ordered tagging.

Example: For these 3 posts on Stages of the Renaissance:

PRE-RENAISSANCE OR TRECENT: 13th and 14th centuries. Coinciding with the European Gothic period.

QUATROCENTO: arrives until the end of the 15th century and its cultural center is the city.

FIFTEENTH CENTURY: fills the entire sixteenth century and its beginning is Rome.

We would use these three titles to give the logical order of the syllabus.




b) If there are collections, there is a method of being able to sign the required order, using the up/down controls: