Sometimes, just when a new game starts or at the middle when the players are challenging each other since some days.. suddenly someone reports is not able to launch a new challenge Bellow see the common reasons it happens.

For any type of challenge:

  • The game is inactive
  • The game has disabled challenges between players
  • The player is trying to launch a challenge when the game is almost finished and new challenges are not allowed anymore
  • The player has already completed the daily maximum number of challenges allowed (if a maximum is set)
  • The player has reached the maximum number of pending challenges in the "Your turn" section
  • The player is trying to challenge someone who reached the maximum number of daily challenges
  • The player is trying to challenge someone who reached the maximum number of pending challenges
  • The player is trying to challenge someone more times than the allowed daily challenges with same opponent (if a maximum is set)
  • The player is trying to challenge someone from the same team and the game is configured to disable this option

For advanced challenges:

  • The player is below the threshold to launch double, triple or 5-10%
  • The player reached the threshold but has lost points during the game and is again below the threshold
  • The player has reached number of challenges to apply restriction to prevent launching an advanced challenge to a player far below in the ranking