Remote game is a type of game that focus on improving knowledge. This type of game usually lasts for 4-5 days with 1 extra day in order to answer pending challenges and earn additional points. During the last "extra day" players can not compete with each other or send new challenges to other players. Remote game allows to control game dynamics between players, establish activity limitations and number of challenges per day.

The most common features of the remote game:

  • players can play anytime and anywhere during the game while competing with each other
  • system repeats questions based on algorithm of most failed questions and knowledge acquisition 
  • average knowledge improvement among players is around  25% by the end of the game

The process for remote game creation is the following:

  1. Create the game 
  2. Set up invitation message(s) in case new players will be invited to the game 
  3. Add prizes
  4. Import players
  5. Import questions
  6. Set up notifications plan 
  7. Create automatic challenges if necessary
  8. Active the game

Game Creation 

Game can be created by clicking on "add the game" and select type of game remote.

Important Settings Parameters:

  • start and end of the game
  • allow players compete with each other
  • allow trainings
  • put limitations on players daily activity
  • change number of challenges in the game
  • change number of questions per challenge in the game 

Configuration of invitation email

Invitation email can be used in any type of games.It is usuful in case new players that are not in the list will be participating in the game.Invitation email is created the same way as the rest communication emails.

Click on "edit record" and select "options based on language" and add invitation email with visual editor HTML.


Once invitation email is created next step will be to add new players by clicking on game configuration=>users=>add users.Once new players are added to the list invitation email will be automatically send to new users.In case users are not registered in the environment then a normal process creating  new users in the environment and adding them to the game can be applied.

Adding prizes

There is a possibility to create and add prizes to the game.In order to do that click on award-add award

Once you create a name of the prize the next step is to add it to the game and ad positions.Click on game configuration and select awards.Click on "Add" and select for which positions you would like to assign prizes

Import users

To create players on the platform or assign them specifically to this game, we must do it according to the usual procedure for creating users and assigning them to the game from the Players tab. See how to do it here.

Import Questions

To create questions or assign existing ones specifically to this game, we will have to do it according to the usual procedure of Importing questions. From the Questions tab. See the tutorial to learn how here.

Set Notification Plan

Atrivity notifications are a key component within the tool to share information about the game (dates, rules, instructions, etc.). They also ensure successful participation from all players. You can track each notification sent from Atrivity and know which players received the message as well as the time and date.In order to know how to import questions please follow the link  Setting up notifications 

Game activation

Once we have all the above points configured, we only have to activate the game and wait for the game to start on the day and time. To activate it we simply go to the game edition in the show games page and change the status to Active. We have to take into account the time we have configured to only answer pending challenges since this time is within the date/time of the game configuration.